The First Column

If there's one thing I have tried to refrain from doing in what is vulgarly entitled, "middle age," it is to condemn the younger generation's music or fashion. First of all, it's simply not fair to compare the crap that's being played today to Zepplin's "Houses of The Holy"- one might as well compare Kafka to Kitty Kelly. However, as a child of the late 60s and 70s, how can I cast a disparaging eye over what "the kids are wearing today" when our own style was ripped and patched bell-bottomed bluejeans, usually sporting a marijuana-leaf logo on the back pocket. Hair was lank, worn loose,hmmmm... pretty much like you see today, come to think of it. There was one, massive, difference, however.
I'm pretty sure our clothes fit back then. Obesity simply wasn't seen in those decades. Most people my age remember there was one "fat kid" in school. I felt sorry for the one I knew, until I learned that, after graduation, she lost all the weight and ended up runner-up Miss Cobb County in Georgia. It was exasperating to see her blossom while I remained built like a book
Seriously, my knees were the biggest part of my leg- like strings with knots tied in them. But I could camaflouge my body by wearing slightly looser pants and heavy kids could do the same. Nowadays, there's no option! The popular look for the last three years for all women- not just teenagers- are these "low-rise" numbers. Speaking soley for myself, I don't particularly want to look like the Whore of Babylon when I go to the IGA. And what kills me is that all these teenage girls,shopping as lemmings in the mall, are wearing these Britney cast-offs, regardless of their shapes and size. Let's be honest, here. There's maybe seven women on the planet that can wear low-rise jeans and look terrific. These women also haven't eaten since 1982. The rest of us? Well, it ain't pretty, but the rest of us in those things look like someone busted open a can of biscuits.
Have a good day.
Editor's Note: Commedienne Pam Stone writes her column for The Tryon Daily Bulletin twice each month from her office in the "Unabomber Shack" on her Gowensville farm.
Awesome!!!! Another way to get my Pam Fix!!!!!
I love it!!!!
Yay! A Pam Stone Blog! You are dearly missed on the radio every morning!
I haven't been able to find a pair of jeans that won't show off my crack in YEARS. I finally found some in little girl's store (Limited Too), but I don't think they would have the right length for you...
I am so excited to see a Pam Stone blog! I have been wanting to call the show on behalf of my husband, David. I am the one who called in about wrecking my car and my husband making me cry in front of a police officer.
He wants you to know, in his defense, that he did paint my toe nails the other night, and that he is not a complete Neanderthal.
Thanks Pam!
Love the blog pammy! I will at least get to read your words. I do miss your voice. But at this point I'll take what ever I can get!!! Come back pam!! Trish
Oh Pam Where Art Thou? 10 until noon just isn't the same anymore. The blogs are somewhat of a fix but we need to hear from you more often! We miss you and desperately want to hear you again soon!
Wishing you some Happy Horsing Around at the Farm!
Just wanted to tell you that a girl in low rides with extra (I will skin but I mean flab) skin hanging out is called a 'muffin top' cause they look like little muffins popping out of a bake pan.
Thank God we can still keep up with Pam. The new show that replaced her is horrible!!! Good Lord, someone please get her back on the air. 10/12 just isn't the same!!!
Best wishes,
PAM!! I knew you'd show up somewhere. I didn't know it would be on the net. WEEEEE! So glad I can read what's going on with you (and hopefully Pippy, too). Miss your show terribly. 10-12 M-F just aint the same without ya!
i am so glad that i am not the only one desperately missing my 10 til 12 fix of Pam and the crew.
please come back Pam, we neeeeeed you to make it thru the day.
The toilets on 14? Used by the owner drug dealer to alert buyers when it is safe "to buy".
And I will ALWAYS think twicw before saying, "please pass the biscuits"
love the column!
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